

October 2024

Resolution to support crucial City of Seattle services and jobs

Resolution on Public Defense Standards

Resolution in Support of Big 5 Legislative Priorities to Fully Fund Our Schools By Fixing Our Unfair Tax Code

Resolution to Restore Funding for the City of Seattle’s Office of Labor Standards

Resolution on Retrofitting Seattle Public Schools

September 2024 – no resolutions

August 2024

Resolution in Opposition to Anti-Loitering Legislation in Seattle

Resolution to endorse the “Direct Pay Green New Deal for King County” Report

July 2024 – no meeting

June 2024 – no meeting

May 2024

Resolution Calling for Democrats to Support Union Picket Lines

Resolution to Support the Letter Carriers Contract Rally

April 2024

Resolution to Oppose I-2124

Resolution to Endorse a Labor for Ceasefire Rally

March 2024

Resolution for MLK Labor to Endorse and Support Land Day

Resolution for a $1.7 billion Move Seattle Levy Renewal Package that Uplifts Working People 

February 2024

Resolution in Support of the Language Pay Premium at UW

Resolution to Support the Save Public Health Campaign

Resolution to Save Medicare from Privatization

January 2024

No resolutions.

December 2023

No meeting.

November 2023

No meeting.

October 2023

Resolution To Convene a Table Regarding King County Ordinance 2023.0053

Resolution on Freight Mobility in Seattle

September 2023

Resolution in Support of Minimum Wage Increases

Resolution for Battery Energy Storage Systems to Assist in the Clean Energy Transition in King County

Resolution To Oppose the Kroger-Albertsons Merger

August 2023

Resolution In Support of the Coalition of City of Seattle Unions Fight For a Fair Contract

June 2023

Resolution Sponsor APALA’s 17th Biennial National Convention

May 2023

Resolution in Support of Big Dipper Wax Works Workers Organizing

April 2023

Resolution on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF)

Resolution to Support IAM 160 Workers in Shoreline

Resolution in Support of Letter Carriers

Resolution in Support of the Burien Minimum Wage Campaign

March 2023

Resolution to Support the Renton Minimum Wage Campaign

Resolution to Tell the US Supreme Court, Big Business, and Corporate Politicians: Hands Off Our Right to Strike!

February 2023

Resolution on Seattle’s Building Emissions Performance Standards

Resolution on Affiliates in Arrears

Resolution on Residential Zoning in King County

Resolution on In Support of PROTEC17 and ATU 587 King County Transit and Metro Workers

January 2023

Resolution to Support UA 32 Bargaining in Seattle

December 2022

November 2022

Resolution on Labor’s City of Seattle Budget Priorities

Resolution on King County District Court Bargaining

October 2022

Resolution to Adopt the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan

Resolution in Support of Airport Service Workers and Good Jobs for Good Airports Act

September 2022

Resolution on Piers 30 & 46 and the USCG Base in Seattle

August 2022

Resolution on Residential Zoning in Seattle

Resolution in Support of Community Workforce Agreements

Resolution in Support MightyKidz Workers

Resolution on Garden Cycles Bargaining

June 2022

Resolution to Defend Roe and LGBTQ Rights

May 2022

Resolution on the Seattle Parks Levy

April 2022

Resolution in To Stop Privatizing Our Medicare System

Resolution Recommitting Our Work Of Becoming An Anti-racist Labor Movement

Resolution in Support of Starbucks Workers

March 2022

Resolution in Support of Minneapolis Educators

February 2022

Resolution on Baseball Union Solidarity

January 2022

Resolution Supporting Cannabis Equity Legislation

Resolution Supporting the WA Safe + Healthy Campaign

October 2021

Resolution to Root Out Racism at King County

September 2021

Resolution Supporting Green and Sustainable Seattle Public Schools by Voting to Approve the Levies

June 2021

Resolution on Climate Change and King County Energy Codes

Resolution for the Martin Luther King Labor Council to Support the Duwamish Tribe’s Fight for Federal Recognition Status

May 2021

Resolution in Support of the Best Starts for Kids Levy Renewal Vote

April 2021

Resolution on MLK Labor Affiliated Locals Supporting Strategic Organizing

Resolution to Create a “Union Families for the Common Good” Caucus at MLK Labor

March 2021

No resolutions passed

February 2021

Resolution on Campaign Worker Organizing

Resolution on Kroger Store Closures

Resolution on Solidarity with Postal Workers

January 2021

Resolution on Defending Democracy

Resolution on Solidarity with Incarcerated Workers

November 2020

Resolution on Seattle’s Green Energy Code

Resolution on Keeping Counselors at Seattle Municipal Court

October 2020

Labor Must Defend Democracy Resolution

Resolution on Replacing Postmaster General DeJoy

Resolution on Racism, Police Funding and Worker Layoffs in Kent

Resolution In Support of Paid Day Off to Vote for Amazon’s 600,000 US Workers

September 2020

Communities & Jobs Not Cuts – Anti-Austerity Resolution

August 2020

Resolution on Wage Theft in M.L. King County

Resolution Calling for US-Cuba Collaboration to Save Lives in the Fight against COVID-19

Resolution to form an MLK Labor Racial Justice Taskforce

June 2020

Resolution Affirming Our Commitment to an Anti-Racist Union Movement

April 2020

Resolution to Recruit Union Members for Local Political Leadership (PCO)

Resolution in Support of Warehouse Workers During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Resolution in Support of Health Care for Workers During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Resolution in Support of an Undocumented Worker Relief Package

March 2020

Resolution on MLK Labor’s response to COVID-19

Resolution on MLK Labor’s need for a seat at the table during the COVID-19 recovery

Resolution in Support of Workers in Maritime Trades and within Marine Port Dependent Supply Chain

February 2020

Resolution Condemning the Firing of Gay Educators at Kennedy Catholic High School

January 2020

No meeting.

December 2019

No meeting.

November 2019

Resolution Condemning President Trump’s Racist Comments Directed at Members of Congress

Resolution in Support of Amnesty for All Immigrants in the U.S.

October 2019

September 2019

Resolution in Support of the WTO Protest Anniversary Events

Resolution in support of the Seattle City Council Resolution 31895 relating to the Seattle Green New Deal

August 2019

Resolution to Support Pension Funds that Invest in Union Built Affordable Housing

July 2019

No meeting.

June 2019:

Resolution Promoting Safety and a Supportive Environment at Labor Conventions

Resolution in Support of Annual Inflation Adjustments Based on CPI-W for Seattle Human Services Contracts

May 2019:

Resolution Promoting Prevention of Workplace Violence in Transit Systems

April 2019:

Resolution for a Thriving Tukwila For All

March 2019:

No resolutions passed.

February 2019:

No resolutions passed.

January 2019:

Resolution Calling for Labor & Industries to Implement a Six-Month Deadline to Take Action on Protests to Orders

Resolution in Support of the ST3 West Seattle Link that will be the Least Disruptive to Maritime Activities

Resolution to support Local Union 46, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

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