
Resolution to Support the Letter Carriers Contract Rally

May 15, 2024

WHEREAS, the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) and the United States Postal Service (USPS) began contract negotiations on February 22, 2023;

WHEREAS, the United States Postal Service (USPS) is in the midst of a staffing crisis that has prevented it from providing reliable, affordable, and universal mail service to every community in the United States;

WHEREAS, said staffing crisis has made mandatory overtime the rule rather than the exception, therefore negatively impacting the health, safety, and morale of City Letter Carriers;

WHEREAS, the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970 requires the Postal Service to pay wages comparable to those of the private sector such as the United Parcel Service (UPS);

WHEREAS, the Martin Luther King County Labor Council approved the Resolution on Solidarity with Postal Workers on February 2021, and April 2023

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Martin Luther King County Labor Council endorses and will mobilize our fellow union members to attend the NALC Contract Rally on June 2nd, 2024 at 3 pm at Westlake Park, making use of emails, text messages, social media platforms, flyers, and other available tools to advertise this event.

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