
Resolution on Residential Zoning in King County

February 16, 2023

WHEREAS, the population of King County continues to grow; and

WHEREAS, the bans on building apartments push working families further from job centers, creating transportation burdens; and

WHEREAS, the bans on building apartments have increased the pressure to convert agricultural and industrial areas; and

WHEREAS, zoning is used to exclude working families; and

WHEREAS, renters are valuable members of our communities just as homeowners are; and

WHEREAS, local governments are under intense pressure to provide services with limited funds and these services are exponentially more expensive as housing sprawls; now, therefore

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the MLK Labor Council calls on King County to allow all forms of housing in residential areas. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that MLK Labor Council calls on King County to have the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Environmental Impact Statement incorporate an alternative that allows all forms of housing in all residential areas. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Plan should “Require intentional, targeted actions, such as adopting zoning practices that increase the types and/or density of housing allowed” as stated in Equity B. Scope of Work Proposal 1. The Plan should “Expand allowed SEPA exemptions to match those allowed in state law…[to] reduce time and costs of permitting,” as stated in Housing C. Scope of Work Proposal 3.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, additionally, we call on King County to have the Comprehensive Plan explicitly seek advice and input from transportation workers in crafting innovation, reliability, and safety for travel throughout the county. The Plan should facilitate transportation workers generating pilot efforts to more effectively support travel on non-traditional schedules such as construction, as well as health care, janitorial, and other shift workers.

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