Resolution Calling for Labor & Industries to Implement a Six-Month Deadline to Take Action on Protests to Orders
January 29, 2019
The following resolution was passed at the January 16 Delegates Meeting.
WHEREAS the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) currently does not have a deadline to take action on protests to orders, affecting thousands of workers; and
WHEREAS Washington state has the most complex workers’ compensation system in the world, making it difficult for injured workers to navigate and advocate for their rights; and
WHEREAS in many appeals, workers have filed a protest to an L&I order only to await a decision for a year or longer, keeping the injured worker in pain, awaiting treatment, and/or in financial ruin during this time; therefore, be it
RESOLVED for MLK LABOR to forward this resolution to the Washington State Labor Council to legislatively add a six-month deadline for L&I to act upon receiving a protest to an order.