
MLK Labor Hosting Summit on Wage Theft

January 4, 2024

MLK Labor is co-hosting a Public Safety Summit on Wage Theft with the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (KCPAO). This summit will be on Friday, February 9 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Labor Temple (5030 1st Avenue South, Seattle). This event is open to all who are interested.

The goal of this summit is to bring together labor leaders, rank-and-file workers, non-profits, prosecutors, and other stakeholders together to identify:

  • What constitutes wage theft in King County
  • The challenges to reporting and investigating this crime
  • What steps the KCPAO can take to improve their responses to this crime, including improved and increased prosecution

Wage theft has long been a problem for people who work in King County. Unions have worked to address this crime, but employers continue to get away with stealing hard-earned money from workers’ pockets

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