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Job Summary
Central Washington University Department of Music and the College of Arts of Humanities invites applicants for a full-time Lecturer in Music Education/Assistant Director of Bands to begin September 2022. We seek a highly energetic and enthusiastic colleague who is a passionate musician with a strong commitment to music education. We seek candidates with demonstrated potential to contribute effectively to a faculty team dedicated to creating a positive, dynamic, and inclusive learning environment for an increasingly diverse student population.
The Lecturer of Music Education/Assistant Director of Bands will assist the Director of Bands in a collaborative environment with the administration, recruitment, retention, and continued development of a comprehensive university band program. Specified duties include guiding the instrumental music education program through collaboration/partnership with CWU Office of Field Experience and School of Education for the placement of teaching candidates; teach courses in instrumental music education; serve as conductor of the CWU Symphonic Winds (second-auditioned concert band) and provide outstanding musical and organizational leadership for the Wildcat Marching Band. Additional duties will be considered based on qualifications and experience.
AFT Washington is a state federation affiliated with the 1.6 million American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. We represent about 6,500 members including faculty from the community and technical colleges and pre-K through 12 classified employees. We also jointly represent professors at Eastern, Central, and Western Washington universities and The Evergreen College with the Washington Education Association. The mission of AFT Washington is to voice the ideals of our locals and members for workplace fairness and social justice while strengthening and focusing their collective power to attain those ideals.
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