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Pierce College, as an employer, offers a wide range of job experiences to qualified individuals with technical and professional skills. We employ faculty who are classroom professors, librarians, counselors and counselor advisors. Our employees run the business and payroll offices, support student services and programs, conduct our computing operations, provide human resources, and maintain our buildings and operating systems. For 50 years, Pierce College has been committed to helping people realize their own possibilities. We hope you consider us as your next employer.
AFT Washington is a state federation affiliated with the 1.6 million American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. We represent about 6,500 members including faculty from the community and technical colleges and pre-K through 12 classified employees. We also jointly represent professors at Eastern, Central, and Western Washington universities and The Evergreen College with the Washington Education Association. The mission of AFT Washington is to voice the ideals of our locals and members for workplace fairness and social justice while strengthening and focusing their collective power to attain those ideals.
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