
Resolution to Support a Bolder Seattle Comprehension Plan

May 15, 2024

WHEREAS, the Seattle Comprehensive Plan Update is a critical opportunity for the City to start correcting the wrongs of the past which have harmed BIPOC communities and resulted in a City that is segregated and unaffordable to working-class families.  

WHEREAS, prior Comp Plans underpredicted the rate of growth of the City, resulting in a significant housing shortage.  We need to act with urgency to develop policies and practices to address racism in the housing market, including promoting BIPOC homeownership, and to make homeownership affordable for all workers who deserve to own a home in the community they serve.

WHEREAS, to achieve the vision of “One Seattle” we need a City where ALL families have the choice to live anywhere in the City (including neighborhoods that have been inaccessible for too long), where families feel they can actually afford to have children, where our children can see a future for themselves.

WHEREAS, a broad coalition of affordable housing providers, labor, community groups, and others are advocating for an ambitious revision of the draft Comp Plan to ensure it promotes more abundant housing, allows for more family-sized homes, enhances transit-oriented development, and expands neighborhood centers, and expands affordable housing.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that MLK Labor signs the Seattle Comprehensive Plan – Complete Communities Coalition Org Letter Sign-On letter (see link).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that MLK lobbies the Seattle Mayor and City Council to make changes to the Seattle Comprehensive Plan in line with the recommendations outlined in the letter.

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